Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Scientists have imported hundreds of images of womens' faces into a computer averaging program to create the "average" look of females from 41 different countries.

Those behind the project say that the method averages the shape of the features before blending the images together - hence why there are no blemishes or imperfections
The face-averaging tool hosted online by experimental psychologists at University of Glasgow, allows hundreds of images to be carefully laid over one another and then, using the eyes as a focus point, works out the average look of each woman's facial feature.
The method is called 'composite portraiture' and was first used in the 1880s by Sir Francis Galton. The social scientist and cousin of Charles Darwin first created the image of the average face by superimposing multiple portraits of individuals.
Some have been critical of the average images, saying - as the results all appear to be around 20 years old - they do not reflect any age range within a country

For more information visit here.


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