Monday, October 28, 2013

It looks like local New York graffiti artists aren't the only ones hatin' on the homie Banksy. The boys in blue seem to have it out for the elusive artist as well. 

Banksy's Ronald McDonald shoe shine piece showed up in front of McDonald's on Essex and Delancey last week, but was short-lived. The NYPD (about 5 police cars and 10 officers, sheeesh!) surrounded and confronted the actor playing Shine Boy (who is different from the original Shine Boy)

5-0 has been actively seeking Banksy for a few weeks now, as reported on the cover of the NY post and officers have even encouraged building owners to file charges. 

A witness on-site, Sean Shapiro, told The Gothamist:
"The two in the photos approached him asking questions... one of the other officers nearby had his ticket pad out ready to go and I overheard him say that they could give him a disorderly conduct, as he was blocking sidewalk traffic and a crowd formed. The same officer was pretty knowledgeable on the meaning of the piece as he was explaining it to another officer.
The officers stood by for a while as the actor was texting and calling one of the other members of the crew and it took about five minutes before a guy [Steve Zissou-sky!] showed up to carry away the statue into a dark van."
Thankfully the cops happened to miss two of Banksy's works just chillin' in Greenwich Village a few days later:


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